If you’ve recently purchased an Instant Pot, but have no idea what to make in it, then these 25 Incredible Vegetarian Instant Pot Recipesย are sure to get you started!

collage of recipes

I’ve collected some of the best Vegetarian Instant Pot Recipes from my blogger friends (and myself) to bring you this delicious round up. While there are a few soup/stew recipes included, what you can cook in an Instant Pot goes way beyond that!

In this round up, you will find family friendly and easy recipes to make in your Instant Pot. I hope you enjoy! Let’s get started!

To get the recipes, simply click on the link provided below the photos.

Hand holding instant pot vegan burritos

Instant Pot Vegan Burritos

vegan shepards pie glue and glitter

Glue & Glitter- Vegan Shepard’s Pie Recipe with Kale

vegan butter chicken

Vegan Richa- Instant Pot Vegan Butter Chicken

Instant Pot Vegan Alfredo Sauce: EASY 20 MINUTE RECIPE with cauliflower and cashews.

Instant Pot Alfredo

vegan meatballs

Fried Dandelions- Vegan Instant Pot BBQ Meatballs

instant pot pasta puttanesca

Veggies Save The Day- Instant Pot Pasta Puttanesca

Indian Green Bean curry in bowl

Vegan Gastronomy- Easy Indian Green Bean Curry with Potatoes

Mushroom Risotto in bowl

Vegan Huggs- Instant Pot Mushroom Risotto

spanish rice in instant pot

Instant Pot Spanish Rice

black bean soup in a bowl

From My Bowl- Instant Pot Black Bean Soup

bolagnase over toast

Healthy Slow Cooking- Lots O’ Veggies Bolognese

Veggies Save The Day- Cilantro Lime Quinoa

close of vegan tomato soup

Vegan Tomato Soup

instant pot chili close up

Kitchen Treaty- Simple Instant Pot Vegan Black Bean Chili

mashed potatoes in a bowl

Fried Dandelions- Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes with Fried Onions and Bacon

black refried beans in a bowl

Crave Veggies- Instant Pot Refried Black Beans

Instant Pot Pulled BBQ Jackfruit sandwich with coleslaw on top

Instant Pot Pulled BBQ Jackfruit

lentil soup in bowls

Yummy Mummy- Instant Pot Lentil Soup

lentil sloppy joes on a burger with cabbage

Delightful Adventures- Smoky Lentil Sloppy Joes

Curry Jackfruit Potatoes in a bowl

Healthier Steps- Instant Pot Vegan Jackfruit with Potato Curry

Two bowls of vegan baked beans.

Vegan Baked Beans

instant pot jam in glass jar

Real Food Real Deals- Instant Pot Berry Jam

carrot ginger soup in a bowl

Vegan Huggs- Vegan Carrot Ginger Soup

black eyed peas curry in bowls

Vegan Gastronomy- Vegan Black Eyed Peas Curry Recipe

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  1. I Just got a DUO 6 quart instant pot for Christmas I am a vegetarian. I would like to try your recipes but I only cook for myself I find the recipes are too much for me. I do freeze some in individual servings for myself but I don’t need that much It’s also a bit expensive for me.
    if I cut the recipes in 1/2 do I still use use the same amount of water or liquid or do I cut it in 1/2 as well. I can’t wait to try them. Thank you so much. I am 80 yrs.old.

    1. Hi Margaret! You can cut the recipes in half and also cut the water/liquid in half. That should work for most recipes that make a large amount. I hope that helps! Thank you.

    1. Vegan bacon is delicious, and there are all sorts of creative ways to make it! ๐Ÿ™‚ The recipe listed in this post is from an all vegan website (like mine) and does not contain any animal products.

      1. I love vegan bacon! We use it for vegan BLTs and Ruben sandwiches. Your recipes look amazing!! I can’t wait to try the nacho cheese. Thanks!!

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